Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Moana (OST) - ես Մոանա եմ [I am Moana] (Yes Moana yem) versuri traducere în engleză


I am Moana

Tala: Why are you hesitating?
Moana:I don't know
T: I know a girl
Strong and fearless
She loves the sea and her home
She's loyal to her precious land(province)
This world is often a stranger (to us)
It seems like they don't listen to you
I know it is difficult, find
(Find) what you want
I know, to be fearless is not easy
You don't need to leave, to go away
Be faithful to yourself
And listen to your heart
And whisper to the the doubt,
'Moana, come back to home'
'Moana, [let me] ask you a question, who are you?'
M: Who am I?
I love so much - my land
And my endless ocean
Which calls me
I am a descendant of pioneers
We have the maritime nation's title1
We are the owners of the infinite sea
I have already found a way here,
The road is long,
The sea is trying to call me,
And it's my duty!
This voice that is coming from afar is within me,
It's calling me, then it's fading away,
I will keep your love in my heart, it's endless
I already know who I am,
I am Moana!
  • 1. 'ծովահեն' actually means 'pirate', but I feel like in this context it means 'the people of sea' rather than pirates

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Moana (OST)

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