Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Mimori Yusa - Forest Notes versuri traducere în engleză


Forest Notes

I found the home in your eyes
Yesterday and tomorrow are across the table
Let's walk back there for the first time
I remember the song in the sunlight filtering through the trees
Become a small whistle that releases the wind
The time that remains in the treetops is waking up
First town, first wind
The road where I met yesterday
Nostalgic window, nostalgic song
The way back tomorrow
Genetic memory hidden in my fingertips
Fern jungle
Life for trilobites
Ceramic street corner
The thrill of a seed that has taken root
Yesterday is tomorrow, darkness is light, coincidence is inevitable
First road, nostalgic road
The road that always follows you
Words of the forest and thoughts of the trees are overflowing in my heart
A melody that melts into the sky like water and breath
I'll go to the first door and say I'm home

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Mimori Yusa

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