Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Mihaela Fileva - Всичко е било за добро (Vsichko e bilo za dobro) versuri traducere în engleză


Everything was for the best

Do you ask me how am i without you?
I put on the fake
Don't call me, everything is fine,
time passes,
you get used to the pain.
I gave you unconditional love,
which you weren't ready for.
We have nothing to share,
I'm going, so we can't destroy eachother.
The beginning of the ending, is coming, i already know, everything was for the best.
The time to get back, there is no need, i know, everything was for the best.
I closed and the last
but you always find a way to get back
and we have our
if i let you-
you hurry to set off.
I gave you unconditional love,
for which you weren't ready.
We have nothing to share,
I'm going, so we can't destroy eachother.
The beginning of the ending, is coming, i already know, everything was for the best.
The time to get back, there is no need, i know, everything was for the best.
What must happen will happen.
For good is our ending.


Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Mihaela Fileva

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