Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Matti ja Teppo - Lähtöhetki versuri traducere în engleză


The parting moment

Clouds of rain over the sky, you'll get soaked in the night
Soon it'll be time for the ship to part, you'll board it
Tender words for each other, our lips are searching for
I'm crying secretly in my heart, I'm already missing you
Even though I know you won't return, I'll say goodbye to you
[Kertosäe] I delay your parting I'm so helpless, I wonder why does everything have to end today
Tears are already dribbling from your eyes, as you say that you won't ever see me again
You ask: hold me tight, save up time
So that the moments won't get lost, I long for them
Your head sleeps in my embrace, just a awhile more
Until our dreams drown, getting lost along the parting ship
My force of life ceases, faith for tomorrow disappears
[Kertosäe] I delay your parting I'm so helpless, I wonder why does everything have to end today
Tears are already dribbling from your eyes, as you say that you won't ever see me again

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Matti ja Teppo

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