Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Marwan Khoury - يا بتكون لئلي (Ya Bitkoun L Eli) versuri traducere în engleză


You Either Be Mine

You either be mine or you will not be for anyone else
My life can become richer by you or death can become easier in your absence
My love for you is a deep sea, sun and warmth, fire and inferno
We either walk on the same path and I can carry you in my eyes
Or I will extinguish your flame in my heart and carry you drowned in my arms
You either be mine
Between our hearts, there is war and peace
Love dies when it is lost and hearts darken
You either be my everything or you can be nothing to me
I will erase you and erase the eyes that used to love
Who said that wars
And love cannot sometimes walk down the same paths
Reflect on hate and see what is written without words
How many wounds in longing hearts had the dawn set on them
My love for you is a deep sea, sun and warmth, fire and inferno
We either walk on the same path and I can carry you in my eyes
Or I will extinguish your flame in my heart and carry you drowned in my arms
You either be mine

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Marwan Khoury

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