Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Marina Spanou - Ταξίδι (Taxídhi) versuri traducere în engleză



[Verse 1] At an indifferent party you were standing on the aside
With a cigarette between your lips like you were looking for something
To make you feel like a caress
In a world that can't hold you
[Verse 2] I think I've seen you somewhere before, Pagrati* with you reminds me of a time
That I haven't lived
I said one day I'll make music for us and we'll stay alive forever
In the city, in a tangled mess
[Chorus] But you are a journey without a destination
No destination
And I'll wait for you, I'll be waiting for you
At a-, at a station
[Bridge] Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa
[Verse 3] In yellow Athens you walked like a poem
Staring at cats who've learned how to get drunk
But now that it's dawn, the scent hurts you
And I'm standing here, watching you race
[Verse 4] For places they didn't choose us
On the balconies of your teenage neighborhood
Fears of smoking, I know you'll be in pain around me
And the path of loneliness doesn't stain you
[Chorus] But you are a journey without a destination
No destination
And I'll wait for you, I'll be waiting for you
At a-, at a station
[Chorus] But you are a journey without a destination
No destination
And I'll wait for you, I'll be waiting for you
At a-, at a station
[Outro] I'm looking for you at every party
In every corner in Pagrati

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Marina Spanou

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