Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Maironis - Dainų Dainelės versuri traducere în engleză


Song of Songs

Song of songs, echo of echoes
Loud, broad, strong and powerful
Over mountains, forests, fields
Happy, sad and true
Song of the nation, you stood alone
After our heroes were slain
When times of terrible trouble came down
You also suffered a lot, oh a lot
But in the house of the hardy villager
You survived, healthy and strong
After our heroes were slain
Song of the nation
For ages you sustained our soul
You alone kept watch while our giants in their graves
Dreamed of a beautiful nation
You stood guard, sheltered the cradle
You comforted the youngster and the grandpa
You raised the soul of the nation
Woven into one thread
Unite Lietuva, our homeland
Loud, broad and powerful


Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Maironis

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