Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Magalí Sare - SEMPRE VENS ASSIM versuri traducere în engleză



I've got a secret that I carry within
Which always worries me:
I don't know if I want to be with you
Or if with you I want to be.
Riverman, riverman,
Who speaks so slowly
Teach me your way
Of living without craving.
High, high, high goes the passing cloud
High, high, high flies my thought
Which is a slave to your grace
Just like a cloud to the wind.
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

Because you always come like that
Closer to my heart
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

You're always near me
In my thoughts!
I've got a feather, a feather that writes
All that I may always feel.
If it's a lie, it writes smoothly,
If it's truth, it runs out of ink.
Riverman, riverman,
Who will run along
You will run alone,
Riverman, like me.
High, high, high goes the passing cloud
High, high, high flies my thought
Which is a slave to your grace
Just like a cloud to the wind.
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

Because you always come like that
Closer to my heart
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

You're always near me
In my thoughts!
Everyone is on their way to the party, to the party
With a sky-blue diamond, a sky-blue diamond
Everyone on their way, no one remains
- Oh, well... I remain...
No, you're nuts!
No, no, come over too!
Come as well!
I don't know if I'm dreaming
(I don't know if I'm dreaming...)
And what's the sense in dreaming
(And what's the sense in dreaming...)
But before these verses end
Made in major mode
We ought to make a tribute
To the author's drunkness!
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

Because you always come like that
Closer to my heart
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

You're always near me
In my thoughts!
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

You're the fruit in the garden
You, the fruit of passion! (Nice!)
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

Come kill this passion
That eats my heart!
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

Don't tell me 'no'
Yes, no, yes, no
(Come tell me 'Yes'
Or come tell me 'No'...)

I didn't say 'no'

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Magalí Sare

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