Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Macross (OST) - やさしさSAYONARA (Yasashisa SAYONARA) versuri traducere în engleză


Goodbye Tenderness

My chest aches, a draft blows through my heart
Although we sometimes fought
Even now your kindness remains unchanged
That was what i couldn't bear
Without saying a word
I bolted out of your empty room
Without a destination, in front of a station
Yes, i finally understood
Your kindness is the opposite of weakness
I have already changed
So i bid you farewell
Without realising it, in the passing days
Our hearts drifted apart
Everyday was the same thing over and over
In the past, that would have been nice
With me gone, and you by yourself
A new life awaits us both
There is no turning back
Because I don't need your kindness anymore
This gap in my heart cannot be filled
So don't hold me back

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Macross (OST)

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