Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Luzeri - Dejt versuri traducere în engleză



One, two, three, say: 'Luzeri1'
One, two, three, Luzeri
One, two, three, say: 'Luzeri'
One, two, three, Luzeri
One, two, three, say: 'Luzeri'
One, two, three, Luzeri
One, two, three, say: 'Luzeri'
One, two, three, Luzeri
I've known you since high school
To this day those traumas hurt me
You've always been beautiful to me, like you're not from this planet
You know, I know, this story isn't over
Give me your Snap, I'm taking you on a date
I'll give you the whole world along the way
Does this story have a happy end?
Give me your hand, I'm taking you on a date
Even though I'm a loser, a lowlife
For you I'd do genuinely anything
Please just don't say 'No'
You've always been the one for me
Every other girl is just a copy from Wish
Lock your apartment, leave all your worries
Come outside, I'm waiting for you on the square 2
I'm standing in the rain in my wet Converse
At least text me 'I'm late'
Yellow lights once again illuminate the Zagreb sky
You know, I know, this story isn't over
Give me your Snap, I'm taking you on a date
I'll give you the whole world along the way
Does this story have a happy end?
Give me your hand, I'm taking you on a date
Even though I'm a loser, a lowlife
For you I'd do genuinely anything
Please just don't say 'No'
You've always been the one for me
Every other girl is just a copy from Wish
Lock your apartment, leave all your worries
Come outside, I'm waiting for you on the square
I put on a tie and bought you flowers, but I knew you wouldn't even show up
The clock hand is slowly turning, I threw the flowers onto the floor
I put on a tie and bought you flowers, but I knew you wouldn't even show up
The clock hand is slowly turning, I threw the flowers onto the floor
Give me your hand, I'm taking you on a date
Even though I'm a loser, a lowlife
For you I'd do genuinely anything
Please just don't say 'No'
You've always been the one for me
Every other girl is just a copy from Wish
Lock your apartment, leave all your worries
Come outside, I'm waiting for you on the square
Give me your hand, I'm taking you on a date
Give me your hand, I'm taking you on a date
Give me your hand, I'm taking you on a date
Give me your hand, I'm taking you on a date
I'm taking you on a date
I'm taking you on a date tonight
  • 1. Losers
  • 2. Ban Jelačić square, often referred to as just 'the square' in Zagreb as it's the most common meeting place in the city

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Luzeri

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