Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Luzeri - Blank Face versuri traducere în engleză


Blank Face

I'm your blank face, baby, a knight on a white horse
I would never replace you for a better girl
I'm an angel from the sky that you've always wanted
Your blank face, baby, where have you been until now?
If only, when you go to the city, you heard this on the radio
If only you lived a childhood fairy tale, just a bit more boring
If only you hadn't actually stayed home today
If only you knew who I am
I'm your blank face, baby, a knight on a white horse
I would never replace you for a better girl
I'm an angel from the sky that you've always wanted
Your blank face, baby, where have you been until now?
I was close to dressing you in white
And putting on a suit, so we say 'Yes'
I've burned everything, place your hand on my forehead
My body is burning up again, what's happening?
If only you hadn't actually stayed home today
If only you knew who I am
I'm your blank face, baby, a knight on a white horse
I would never replace you for a better girl
I'm an angel from the sky that you've always wanted
Your blank face, baby, where have you been until now?
Blank face, baby
Where have you been until now?

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Luzeri

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