Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

LUCY (Band) - Farther & Farther versuri traducere în engleză


Farther & Farther

The faint time of back then
Doesn't linger anymore
The moon that's rising
Is different from yesterday's moon
I know it all, but
I'm a little upset
Ah, this is too much
In my memory
farther and farther
Drifting away as if it could be caught
Like a dream with unknown content
Those days
Pushed by time
Can't be scattered
Even today is just drifting away
Those memories I tucked away in a corner
Suddenly leave me behind
That sky is so red
On this night burnt black
In the end, it speaks of longing
This is too much
In my memory
farther and farther
Drifting away as if it could be caught
Like a dream with unknown content
Those days
Pushed by time
Can't be scattered
Today as well, the light fades away
I found my own
It's like I'm trapped in fog
Another day passes
Even when everything has passed
Stay like this
For me

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: LUCY (Band)

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