Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Lila Trianti - Εδώ Που Μ’ Άφησες (Edhó Pou M’ Áfises) versuri traducere în engleză


Here where you left me

Listen to me, really, I am telling you
that you left and I stopped laughing
Sit down for two minute,
I have to tell you a few things
Here, where you left me , really I am telling you
you forgot and I forgot to live
days have become dark but it's not my fault
since I am used to going around in the black of the night
here where you left me
here here where you left me
here here where you left me
I am not going around alone, loneliness isn't winning
I have changed five different houses, not one can fit me in
nothingness can't fill up my insides
there are blank spaces inside me,and all the things you said hurt
I want to go downstairs and into the rain
so that the spell disappears
perhaps you might remember then, perhaps it wouldnt be late
to trust me first, to fall in love again with me
I would love it if you could come and hug me
Listen to me, really, I am telling you
that you left and I stopped laughing
Sit down for two minute,
I have to tell you a few things
Here, where you left me , really I am telling you
you forgot and I forgot to live
days have become dark but it's not my fault
since I am used to going around in the black of the night
here where you left me
here here where you left me
here here where you left me
The sun rises again, it looks like love and it scares me
how much it resembles you, people are yelling, they convict me
that I am still mourning one love
Listen to me, really, I am telling you
that you left and I stopped laughing
Sit down for two minute,
I have to tell you a few things
Here, where you left me , really I am telling you
you forgot and I forgot to live
days have become dark but it's not my fault
since I am used to going around in the black of the night
here where you left me
here here where you left me
here here where you left me

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Lila Trianti

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