Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Leonid Kaganov - Благословен гибридный путь (Blagosloven gibridnyy putʹ) versuri traducere în engleză


Blessed be the hybrid path

Blessed be the *hybrid path. Let no one dare tell us how it should be. Holy cause in February, so soon -*flyover with an icon on a broom over domains of the prince of *MRRd. To destroy our enemies at a minimum, *Hitler's cap in the museum, horns and burning pentacles to glow, the illuminated scarlet Kremlin - we are an Orthodox land and God is with, isn’t it so? Our God is fierce and merciless, for this people appreciate with zest, protecting the elites from slaughter. He extracts oil from the darkest sites, and the boilers boil days and nights, filled with holy water. The water is holy, the cauldrons are boiling, our god throws soldiers, cereals, and pasta into the cauldrons. The soldier goes into the smoky air and remains young forever, whose name is legions. Who said there is no goal? For now, it is a secret for young and old, for our own benefit it stood. Long time ago, we signed an agreement, let Ukraine be free and independent, the paper absorbed the blood for good. Talking about this is banned. We have a lot of furry friends

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Leonid Kaganov

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