Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Lena Čolak - Pare, Zlato versuri traducere în engleză


Money, Gold

Money, gold - I don't care for all that
Even if you were a sheik, it wouldn't matter
You'll give me everything for my love
To bathe in gold, to ruin your life, until you find better
East to west, all is yours
And you want my hands
To take money from your pockets
C'mon, c'mon
In the Emirates one night
On life support in the morning
That's what awaits you, deal with it
I'm not worth it to you
Money, gold - I don't care for all that
Even if you were a sheik, it wouldn't matter
You'll give me everything for my love
To bathe in gold, to ruin your life, until you find better
Money, gold - I don't care for all that
Even if you were a sheik, it wouldn't matter
You'll give me everything for my love
To bathe in gold, to ruin your life, until you find better
With me, your chances are down to zero
But I'll be your guarantor in the case of a downfall
East to west, all is yours
And you want my hands
Opa-opa-opala, you were really into me
Op-op-opala, you'll kiss my feet
Money, gold - I don't care for all that
Even if you were a sheik, it wouldn't matter
You'll give me everything for my love
To bathe in gold, to ruin your life, until you find better

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Lena Čolak

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