Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Las Ligas Menores - 29 de septiembre versuri traducere în engleză


September 29th

I can change the colour of the sky
I can jump without looking where I am about to fall
I can make the entire world explode without a warning
And shut up forever until the wind becomes a sea
I will go look for what I don't know where to find
And burn the troops of evil one by one
You will run and you won't be able to forget
You will take five steps back before thinking
Don't you see that I am fine like this?
I don't need more than this
Don't you see that I am fine like this?
I don't need more than this
You can talk without breathing
You can smile without looking
You can imagine a special place
You can even leave without a warning

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Las Ligas Menores

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