Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

KuwagataP - 夜のくじら (Yoru no kujira) versuri traducere în engleză


Night Whale

The future is supposed to be infinitely big
If you realize, it's easy to understand that you'll just fade away
The admirations, powers and talent I had as a child became lost to me
Without ever finding them, I became an adult
I'm a whale swimming in the night
And you are like a captured princess
Playing along with our decided scripts,
We continue to rot away
Forced to fit in a shape decided by someone else
Casted to play a role without rescue
Surely, this is something from a thousand years ago
Even if God decided what we become from the beginning,
Our imagination and delusions won't stop
I'll weave my own love
I would always imagine the hero of my daydreams in the night sky

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: KuwagataP

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