Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Konstantinos Vita - Γκάου Μπίου (Gáou Bíou) versuri traducere în engleză



It's been such a long time
and I haven't achieved anything
even the most time-consuming things are gone so fast
it seems that sadness has impregnated them
I wonder sometimes
what is nature
being nothing is my nature
strolling, jumping
getting along with everybody
and if I don't
I will forget it.
This is how I wasted and I got wasted
I treated immorally those who loved me
I never felt any pain regarding who the target was
and yet I got hit but
I am not the first
like the soil running through fingers
I once tried but I didn't make it
and everything stopped at the very same hour
devil bind both my feet together.
I feel now wrapped by the wave
the infinite nonsense to which I became victim
it has just washed me up in the sand like a corpse
I am such an idiot that I still believe
it's a decision I have to take
to change now
or to keep holding back
Distance between legs from head is small
but seems to be so long
as the distance between earth from Mars.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Konstantinos Vita

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