Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Jung Seung Hwan - 오뚝이 (Tumbling Doll) (ottug-i) versuri traducere în engleză


Tumbling Doll

I hesitated several times whether I should go see you or not
Today again, I couldn't find a reason to do so
I know, we broke up
I have to act like I don't know you
We are already far apart
I should treat you like a stranger but
My love won't fall
I will wait patiently until you accept me
My heart won't change
I have nothing to show off, but I will wait for you forever
I know, we broke up
Everyone tells me to move on
Yes, we are already far apart
They tell me to treat you like a stranger but
My love won't fall
I will wait patiently until you come back
My heart won't change
I have nothing to show off, but I will wait for you forever
My love won't fall
I will wait patiently until you come back
My heart won't change
I have nothing to show off, but I will wait for you forever
I fell down several times before making up my mind

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Jung Seung Hwan

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