Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Jung Seung Hwan - 별 (Dear) (byeol) versuri traducere în engleză



I'll always be here
Even if you can’t see it
It's fine
If you get over me
Tomorrow is coming anyway
I realize how scared I am before
While your night escalates
We'll further hang on together
I know it hurts
So please stay there
So that I can look after you
It’s okay to be alone every day
I'll be with you anyways
Even when you can't reach out to you
I'll shine on you
Without anyone knowing
When we're in hatred
The more we hang on, thе more lonely we gеt
I'll always be standing here
So please stay there
So that I can look after you
It's okay even if it's
I’ll be by your side like this
Even if you’re far away
Like that unfading star
I won't leave you alone
Just like you did to me
You shine for me
Just like that
Because you’re a star to me
What a worthy title even you're in pain
To each other who's alone
Because we're each other’s only stars?
So please stay there like now
Don't let go of you

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Jung Seung Hwan

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