Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Jung Seung Hwan - 안녕, 겨울 (Hello, Goodbye Winter) (annyeong, gyeoul) versuri traducere în engleză


Hello, Goodbye Winter

On a cold, windy day
You will come like an indifferent season
I know that you will go farther away again
But I will get over you slowly
So that I don't feel left alone
Without you
Winter is here again
When the cold,
First snow falls
Will you come as well?
I'm still alone
And I want to leave
The first words in my heart
I know it's late, but I love you
Day by day, I'm getting over you
But the saddest thing is that I will become dull eventually
I know I'm always in the same place
No matter how hard I try
I'm still standing toward you
That's who I am
Winter is here again
When the sorrowful,
First snow falls
Will you see the same scenery as well?
Would you be crying
Like me, maybe?
It's not your fault
We should let go of each other now
With the last bit of warmth,
Let's say goodbye
Thank you for everything
Goodbye, my dear
Wherever you are
Whatever you do
I love you the way you are
This message won't reach you
But please, stay happy

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Jung Seung Hwan

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