Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Josephine - Πυρκαγιά (Pirkayiá) versuri traducere în engleză



I was born and I got dressed
Fire for you
To warm you
My big love
My lips
Are on your lips
How can I say this to you?
I want you here,
I want you here...
Come on, opa
Your kisses are knife
Burn it all
Set me on fire
Come on, lets go
To another earth, to other places
Make it spark
Now fire
I was born and I got dressed
Fire for you
To warm you
My big love
My lips
Are on your lips
How can I say this to you?
I want you here,
Come on, opa
Your kisses are knife
Burn it all
Set me on fire
Come on, lets go
To another earth, to other places
Make it spark
Now fire

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Josephine

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