Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

JimmyThumbP - Starduster versuri traducere în engleză



Fearing that I'm not loved by you
who are more precious to me than anyone,
I fled in a single leap
to a planet ten thousand years ahead.
I gently try opening my eyelids.
A sea like a black sky lies before me.
It flows to a horizon
a hundred million years ahead.
Before my senses freeze
from the temperature of the vacuum I inhaled,
give my body its share of love
of love …
Give me love right now
Give love to me
Please give me love
Give me love …
So I wouldn't be swallowed up by darkness
on the planet where no light shines,
I watched, alone,
the evening glow ten thousand years ahead.
Surely I'll do nothing but ever drift along
with this space dust.
Please, before I thus vanish and disappear,
please …
Give me love right now
Give love to me
Please give me love
Give me love …
Give me love…
Give me love

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: JimmyThumbP

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