Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

JimmyThumbP - Genesis versuri traducere în engleză



A single infant melody
that quietly dripped from the tips of my fingers
grows larger in my head
as it spins the world together.
With my voice I had a go at tracing
the imperfect world you spun.
Thus I faintly sensed the meaning
of why I am with you.
However beautiful any other words may be,
somehow or other your words
don't need to be acknowledged by anyone at all,
so let's draw a new scene.
The creation of the world now begins towards a second future,
a warm breeze, brilliant stars, limitless life.
The song now echoing inside my head
will surely be the beginning of spinning together a new world with you.
The imperfect world you traced
clad itself in sure heat and light.
I sensed with certainty the meaning
of why I am beside you.
The creation of the world now begins towards a second future,
a warm breeze, brilliant stars, limitless life.
The melody does not stop resounding in my head.
Surely there is no end to the world I am spinning together with you.
So then our imperfect world
clad itself in sure heat and light,
despair and hope, anger and tears,
enveloping all …

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: JimmyThumbP

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