Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

JimmyThumbP - Birth in Heaven versuri traducere în engleză


Birth in Heaven

Over there lies a gentle world of dancing light
It's an unending dream
A dream near yet far
Over there is a right world with no pain
It's an unwaking dream
Whatever the voice
Whatever the words
Would we hear it?
It's an unending dream
An unchanging dream
Even a voice such as this
Even words such as these
Travel through space
To what lies beyond
Whatever the landscape
Whatever is in one's mind
To a world
where time is forgotten
Now then, let me hear
With your words
So then, respond
This song will now go to where the dream leads
Surely to that place
Whatever the voice
Whatever the words
Will they get there?

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: JimmyThumbP

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