Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Isabella Lovestory - Chicle y Cigarro versuri traducere în engleză


Bubblegum and Cigars

That boy smells like bubblegum and cigars
And if he offers me his hand, I'm gonna take it
How lovely, he wears more than nine rings
But none of them shine the way I do
Boy, that glamour that you bring with you
I've been dreaming about you since the day I was born
You like gold just as much as me
When you saw me, you became a slave for my love
He does everything I ask of him
If I ask him for water, he gifts me the sea
Even his own life he would give to me
He holds me tight and doesn't stop kissing me
Kissing me, kissing me
It must be love
Kissing me, kissing me
It must be love
That boy smells like bubblegum and cigars
And if he offers me his hand, I'm gonna take it
How lovely, he wears more than nine rings
But none of them shine the way I do
That boy is a troublemaker
And he always leaves me wanting him more
He always goes around with messy hair
He tells me to come down at dawn
Even though I'm tired I run into his arms
And I love the taste of bubblegum in his kisses
I want to get high on him
He holds me tight and doesn't stop kissing me
Kissing me, kissing me
It must be love
Kissing me, kissing me
It must be love
That boy smells like bubblegum and cigars
And if he offers me his hand, I'm gonna take it
How lovely, he wears more than nine rings
But none of them shine the way I do

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Isabella Lovestory

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