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ILLIT - Midnight Fiction versuri traducere în engleză


Midnight Fiction

At the end of the day, collapsing onto the bed
I'm a bit reluctant to fall asleep
Gently opening the closed eyes, it starts
My teenage dream
Suddenly, it feels like my body has become a bird (Fly away)
Rising up without wings
Our house has shrunk to a dot, it's like a dot
The sound of the wind, my favorite song (Song)
Amidst the sleeping moonlight
Begins my story
Unfolding endlessly
Midnight fiction
Filled with excitement
On my small bed
Though it's whimsical, so what?
Midnight fiction
Ah-ah, like a fantasy (Fantasy)
Ah-ah, like a fantasy (Fantasy)
Mystery, apocalypse
Romantic comedy
Changing genres
Until the morning (Yeah)
Taking a walk with clouds resembling our puppy (A walk with)
Then diving into space
Deeper and deeper, yeah
Wishing for wishes, I want my Genie (Fly away)
A scenario written as I please
Both the writer and protagonist are only one
Everything is my own teenage dream (Dream)
Amidst the sleeping moonlight
Begins my story
Unfolding endlessly
Midnight fiction
Filled with excitement
On my small bed
Though it's whimsical, so what?
Midnight fiction
Ah-ah, like a fantasy (Fantasy)
Ah-ah, like a fantasy (Fantasy)
Like a dream, far away
Between unfolding scenes
Regretting ending credits
Ending credits
Tomorrow morning
A new story begins
It'd be sweet and tasty
Yeah, so tasty
Until the sweet dream
Continues my story
Sparkling endlessly
Midnight fiction
A story with no ending
Hidden in the dawn
I'll come again tomorrow
Midnight fiction
Ah-ah, like a fantasy (Fantasy)
Ah-ah (Play with me until the end of the dream, fly far away)
Like a fantasy

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: ILLIT

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