Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Hospital Playlist 2 (OST) - Butterfly versuri traducere în engleză



The foolish world doesn't know you
It can't see you hidden in the darkness
I know, I can see you
Your wings so radiant to me
Don't be afraid, you can do it
Spread your wings, fluttering so passionately
Fly up into the world
Like the sun shining brightly
Even if this world tries to block you roughly
Oh shining person, I love you
So fly far away for the world to see you
Even when you're hurt like a broken flower
Even when you're as lowly as a fallen tree
Believe in yourself, believe in me
We believe in each other
Feel the sound of your heart
Spread your wings, once folded with difficulty
Fly up into the world
Oh, you're so breathtakingly beautiful
Even if this world shows its cold back
Oh dazzling person, I love you
So fly far away for the world to see you
Like the sun shining brightly
Even if this world tries to block you roughly
Oh shining person, I love you
So fly far away for the world to see you

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Hospital Playlist 2 (OST)

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