Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Hazbin Hotel (OST) - Out For Love (Turkish) versuri traducere în engleză


Out For Love (Turkish)

The feeling of hatred dominates your whole mind
Your every step is fed by grudge
Grow a different impulse inside you
Otherwise, you won't be able to succeed.
You thirst for vengeance, you want to spill blood
But the only thing that will save you is love.
Pure love
Protect what you value,
Love is your guide
You'll fight wild
If you focus on love
The fear of losing a loved one,
Let it ignite your power
If your heart rules with everything of yours
You'll take the fight
You thirst for vengeance, you want to spill blood
But the only thing that will save you is love.
Pure love
Protect what you value,
Love is your guide
Your fight will be wild
When you realised that the matter got serious
Your advantage is evident
Love is your guide

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Hazbin Hotel (OST)

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