Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Galileo Galilei - ありがとう ごめん ね (arigatō gomen ne) versuri traducere în engleză


Thank you, I'm sorry

In my heart, sadness overflows and my breaths are ragged
I try complaining, and I feel sick at my own weakness
There's plenty of things that I can't forgive, that I don't understand
I threw out all the questions that I couldn't keep inside
I don't know what you're thinking
My through-and through hollow, empty feelings
The things I say will soon return to me
It's always this way
Night is long, and it fattens my loneliness
I get drunk, seeing myself in the cactus by the window
I heard the noise of your sigh leaking out over the phone
On the night where today and tomorrow become one
The sun, swaying and rising
Cast the cactus' show on me
I wonder why, I can't hear your voice, clearing my throat, you've gone silent,
And I noticed the chilliness of the room
'If you want someone to understand you, then first understand the other person'
Those words you often told me, I still have yet to get it
Fluttering, changing feelings
My loneliness has become too obese, it pops and deflates
See, the moon's sunk into the sky, you laughed on the other side
Dawn will break for anyone, basking in the sunlight even if they don't want to
It casts a shadow on someone, their character, just as is
Thank you, I'm sorry, surely you have to be sleepy now
I understood so many things tonight, even though it's not an answer or anything

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Galileo Galilei

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