Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Franz Kultur & Les Kramés - Ultime atome versuri traducere în engleză


Ultimate Atom

The eyeball has finally come loose
You can feel the mush in your stomach
Its heat is slowly eating away at you
You feel the mask sticking to your nostrils
The air is damp in your epidermal suit
The acid has already etched it
Alone in your shelter, you’d heard it fall
Over your head, everything quaked
No more blood in the charred corpses
You’re picturing them curled up
Under the ruins of the ravaged world
Ultimate vision, fire, gangrene
The greenish and sticky pus oozing
From the red and swollen wounds
The bloody flesh
Squashed on the icy tiles
Of the deserted subway corridors
And you just stay there, listless
Feeling death rising along mucous burps
In your dry and swollen mouth
You know you’re the last of humans
You wanted to escape it
But piece by piece, you see yourself slipping
Before your eyes, a black veil, streaked with silver
She1 smiles at you, toothless, her hard hand with protruding bones
Is laid on your shoulder
You want to reject her, to dismiss her, but she has already taken you
The last human is done for
The last human is done for
The last human
Is done for, done for, done for...
  • 1. Likely a reference to death, which is feminine in French

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Franz Kultur & Les Kramés

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