Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Frans Harju - Ainoa Tie versuri traducere în engleză


Only Road

Someone speaks, but I don't hear anything
I have to make it home
Someone cries silently on the subway to the east
Fuck, is it me?
Is it me?
Strangers walk in and out
Time flies by
Someone whispers, 'now you have to get up'
I don't know anymore
What world I am supposed to live in
When the only sky is your blue eyes
And your soul's depth is the only night
And I don't know anymore
How I could love anyone here
When your tears are the only rain
And the only road to you
Tired, I haven't gotten any sleep in weeks
And I'll probably never will
Seagulls screech on the beach again every morning
Fuck, is it me?
Is it me?
Please say that this is just this feeling
Or a dream or a dystopia
That tomorrow you will embrace me again
I don't know anymore
What world I am supposed to live in
When the only sky is your blue eyes
And your soul's depth is the only night
And I don't know anymore
How I could love anyone here
When your tears are the only rain
And the only road to you
Maybe I will live without you
If I learn to breathe under water
I don't know anymore
What world I am supposed to live in
When the only sky is your blue eyes
And your soul's depth is the only night
And I don't know anymore
How I could love anyone here
When your tears are the only rain
And the only road to you
Only sky, only night
Only rain, only road

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Frans Harju

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