Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Farya Faraji - Nowruz e Rūmi versuri traducere în engleză


Nowruz e Rūmi

The month of Dey has come, Bahmand has gone,
The season of springs has come,
The garden is in full bloom,
As beautiful as your eyes are,
The efforts of cold and smoke,
They have failed and fallen,
The time has come,
For the rose flower's spindle to announce itself,
The garden's cold has left,
It asked for God's help,
And God obliged upon this request,
The state of lovers has now come,
The time of merriment and wine is here,
Sleeping is now haram,
The time of merriment's birth is here,
The time of flowers is upon us.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Farya Faraji

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