Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Estonian Children's Songs - Tüdruk ja kuu versuri traducere în engleză


Girl and moon

A young heifer
And an old camel
And a girl and the moon
And a beautiful, very beautiful peach tree!
A beautiful moon,
A beautiful tree.
Little Kyrgyz girl
And a good girl
An old camel
And a bad camel
A good heifer
And a good little heifer
A young heifer
A girl and the moon
And a good, good, good tree
A girl and the moon,
A young heifer,
An old camel
And a tree
A Kyrgyz tree,
A Kyrgyz camel,
Kyrgyz heifer
Kyrgyz girl
And a Kyrgyz tree!

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Estonian Children's Songs

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