Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Émile Nelligan - La romance du vin versuri traducere în engleză


The Wine Romance

Happiness, light, life - all of this is concurrent
On a beautiful May evening! Like the birds
Who serenade their song through my window,
So do my hopes resonate in my heart!
O beautiful May evening! O happy May night!
The miasma of the declining day is reflected
In rays of sunlight that like daggers appear at
The end with the sounds of sorrowful music!
I'm happy! I'm happy! In a glass, there sings
Songs of wine, songs of wine! Always songs
Of wine that I want to forget with all my pain
And the days of my existence upon this earth!
I'm happy! I'm happy! Long live wine and art!
My dreams are of songs that recall for me
That which begins with the sad music of
Autumn winds found on the distant horizon!
In good company comes my cheerful madness,
No one truly understands the soul of the poet,
All that is in my heart is only rescued by the
Moonlight and the fury of the dark nights!
Women! I drink to you who art aloof from me,
The arms of roses in my dream bid me welcome,
And I also drink to men whose pride reveal their
Contempt for my life and the works of my hand!
My own youth conceals my weariness within

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Émile Nelligan

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