Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Elías Ayaviri - Ojalá no vuelvas versuri traducere în engleză


I hope you don't come back

I felt soulless when you left
You left a void inside me that nothing can heal it
You don't know the damage you did to me
You failed me
I hope that what you're looking for
Is worth more than what you lose
I hope you're happy now without me
I hope you find a love
I hope they love you like I do
And I hope you don't suffer
Give me a minute to talk about it
My purpose was never to hurt your heart
I hope they don't do to you what you did to me
I hope they don't lie to you and play with your heart
I hope you find what you didn't find in me
I hope you fall in love with someone who appreciates you
I hope you're okay without me
And I hope that life can find you
That person you're trying to find
Because everything I've offered you hasn't been useful to me
I hope that very soon your memories will be nothing
I hope I can forget you
I hope I can get away
From all this torment that won't leave me alone
I hope you finally find what you're looking for
I am a love that is real and not just for a moment
If you were in my place
You'd understand that my heart can't take it anymore
I hope they don't lie to you and play with your heart
I hope they don't do to you what you did to me
I hope you find what you didn't find in me
I hope you fall in love with someone who appreciates you
I hope you're okay without me
Princess before I say bye
All I ask of fate is that she finds you someone special
Someone to show you understanding
Someone who can understand you
Cause I'm too stupid to love
I realized it too late
I know that because of me you left
I know I made you shed a lot of tears
Love, let me say the last word
I'll miss you even if you leave
I hope you're happy now without me
I hope you find a love
I hope they love you like I do
And I hope they don't make you suffer
I hope they don't do to you what you did to me.
I hope they don't lie to you and play with your heart
I hope you find what you didn't find in me
I hope you fall in love with someone who appreciates you
I hope you're okay without me

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Elías Ayaviri

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