Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Ekaterina Boldyreva - Про ежика versuri traducere în engleză


About the Little Hedgehog

For years already, grown old and lonesome,
The little hedgehog's been seeking a way out of the fog's foam.
For years already, he's tried to head out on the road,
But there's only a field in fog around him. And it's not even strange
That he's not being looked for. Who would wait for him?
Little bear probably passed away long ago from a jam shortage.
And there's no one else except the horse...
Yes, and that's no more than a figment of the imagination.
Years already have swept by, and Alice has forgotten
About Wonderland and with a happy Cheshire grin
She chases after the rhythm of life with the persistence of Achilles
And can't catch up to it, therefore her smile is rather shaky.
But France has now become the land of wonders and dreams.
Sad, the crazy father-mathematician left as inheritance
Only a book, and not a condition, is that not a reason to curse
And grieve? A prince ought to be sought, and a prince at a distance
Very far from Earth battles with a baobab,
And grieves about a faded flower... Yes, everyone's in a bad mood.
Sometimes he'll leaf through the book about how the little hedgehog
Headed into the fright the frightening fog with jam to his grieving friend
For years already, grown old and lonesome,
The little hedgehog's been seeking a way out of the fog's foam.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Ekaterina Boldyreva

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