Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Dani Litani - מיהו המילל ברוח (Meehu hameealel beruah) versuri traducere în engleză


Who is the one to yell in the wind

Who is the one to yell in the wind?
And spirit within him?
Who has left open
the doors of his heart?
Who, who, maybe a dog
Roaming the roads?
It's always at rainy night
That the dogs are crying.
Or maybe it's the train
Out there in the prairie,
Who stole from a lover
Her love?
Or maybe, maybe it's a boy
Born sad,
Since he had an unhappy mother
Who left him without return?
Who is the one to yell in the wind?
In his voice mourning.
Who is the one who prays to rest?
And he can't!
It's a desolation song, it's a crying song
That they all sing.
That's how sadness drops down on the cheek,
Sadness of the world.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Dani Litani

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