Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Claudio Villa - Una spiaggia deserta versuri traducere în engleză


Deserted beach

I returned again, with nostalgia
Where I left my heart and my life
To find you, stranger
But I no longer see you on the cliff
I am here, on the deserted beach
And I dream of you like this, in my arms
I cry to the wind, louder than ever:
'Where are you?'
It seems like yesterday, we were at sea
The sun was burning and I listened to your words
Stranger, you repeated to me:
'I would spend my whole life with you'
I am here, on the deserted beach
And I dream of you like this, in my arms
I cry to the wind, louder than ever:
'Where are you?'
I want to leave early, I want to leave
I want to go far to not suffer anymore
Here I can't resist, stranger
There are too many memories and I can't forget
I am here, on the deserted beach
And I dream of you like this, in my arms
(I cry to the wind, louder than ever:
'Where are you?')
I cry to the wind, louder than ever:
'Where are you?'

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Claudio Villa

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