Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Claudio Villa - Roma in pigiama versuri traducere în engleză


Rome in pajamas

Sneaky Rome
Stay with me
Nothing is better
Than you
Spend with me
This evening
I feel awful
I need to vent
Rome is enchantment
Pride of the Romans
Extinct Rome
Pregnant by ruins
Queen Rome
Blessed is he who walks with her
Rome, I love you
Let’s help
Each other
Yes, she left me
Things happen
But I’m still in love
And I can’t get over it
Only you, Rome
Can understand me
I know you esteem me
And you will listen what I'll say
Serene Rome
I know, you pity me
Roma Testaccio
But what do I do now?
Rome, at night
Beat me
Rome in pajamas
Don’t go to sleep
Serene Rome
I know, you pity me
Roma Testaccio
But what do I do now?
Rome, at night
Beat me
Rome in pajamas
Don’t go to sleep

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Claudio Villa

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