Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Claudio Villa - Claudio Villa a mezza voce (Stornelli amorosi - Parte I) versuri traducere în engleză


Claudio Villa a mezza voce (Stornelli amorosi - Part I)

My destiny is written in your heart
Even if you're poisoning my life
Even if you're poisoning my life
I want to stay close to you
For your red and fragrant mouth
I would gladly give my life
I would gladly give my life
To be able to say to the whole world: 'I have kissed it'
If you were queen and I king
I would give you crates full of pearls of the east
I would give you crates full of pearls of the east
In exchange for your charming love

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Claudio Villa

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