Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Claudio Villa - Che strano incontro versuri traducere în engleză


What a strange encounter

What a strange encounter that night was
I remember you were sad and it was raining
I remember there was love in your eyes
You were dying to stay with me
Embraced we walked in the rain
And I watched you
You were beautiful, so wet, near me
You were beautiful, you were mine
That night I felt the fire inside me
It’s a memory of a madness
That night was the only true love
My little girl, what nostalgia
My life is in crisis without you
Embraced we walked in the rain
And I watched you
You were beautiful, so wet, near me
You were beautiful, you were mine
That night I felt the fire inside you
(It’s a memory of a madness)
That night was the only true love
You were beautiful, you were mine
That night I felt the fire inside you
(It’s a memory of a madness)
That night was the only great love

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Claudio Villa

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