Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Claudio Villa - Canzoncella di casa mia versuri traducere în engleză


Homegrown song

The sweet song was born one day
Under the beautiful Italian sky,
But now the singers scream also in Naples
No one sings 'Michelemmà'
'Funiculì, funiculà'
They say: 'It’s old stuff, of another age'
But in me a voice sings:
'Good morning, homegrown song
Good morning, youth song
Please keep me company
Like you used to, with your old tune
Bring back those dreams I loved so much
Remind me of the love I no longer have
Awaken in me that heart that I left
To die with you, song of youth'
Bring back those dreams I loved so much
Remind me of the love I no longer have
Awaken in me that heart that I left
To die with you, song of youth'

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Claudio Villa

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