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Claude Bolling - Les Brigades du Tigre : Made in USA versuri traducere în engleză


The Brigades of the Tiger: Made in USA

1929. For ten years now, liquor prohibition has been imposed in the U.S. by the Volstead Act – a measure more harmful than beneficial, as it has only encouraged the gigantic development of banditry based on the manufacture and sale of illegal rum.
Thanks to it and the corruption it generates, Al Capone was able to build a real empire from which he taunts the federal authorities.
Moonshine distilleries have sprung up everywhere like mushrooms, flooding the American territory with hooch of all kinds.
But there is a sophisticated clientele willing to pay any price for quality merchandise – each bottle of real French cognac or champagne is worth a fortune on the other side of the pond.
And so, many adventurers try their luck in France to export to the U.S. – an anarchic situation on which King Al Capone decided to crack down.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Claude Bolling

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