Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Claude Bolling - Les Brigades du Tigre : La Fille de l versuri traducere în engleză


The Brigades of the Tiger: The Flygirl

The world is changing.
Still in its infancy a few years ago, aviation suddenly took off in triumphant fashion.
It’s the time of great air adventures.
A new breed of heroes is being born: conquerors of the skies.
Air crossings are multiplying from city to city, from country to country, from continent to continent, abolishing borders and reducing the dimensions of our planet.
All nations participate in general emulation – from the oldest and most traditional ones like Great Britain, to the youngest and most revolutionary ones, like the Soviet Union, which France, after much hesitation, has just decided to recognize as a state.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Claude Bolling

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