Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Carnaval de Cádiz - Otra vez el domingo versuri traducere în engleză


Sunday again

Sunday again,
after four Sundays ago,
when a murderer was locked up,
and a female romancer was buried.
It was not love, she was not his,
all that is a lie.
Love is enjoyed,
is respected and cared for...
Minutes of silence
in the town halls
are useless...
Women to the street,
hands up,
purple flags
like a banner,
and let's start screaming,
and raising our voice,
and to answer those who attack us
for a few false accusations,
there is no comparison...
Raise our voices...
I am called 'feminazi' for being extreme,
without realizing that in this war
the exterminated one is me.
So that Eva's death may serve,
and we do not lose other female colleagues,
let's go out together,
pointing out each sexist case.
As long as we do not report
and remain silent, what we lose
are our lives...

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Carnaval de Cádiz

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