Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Boris Yakovlev - Дед Мороз убит... (Ded Moroz ubit...) versuri traducere în engleză


Father Christmas was killed

Father Christmas was killed
The kindergarten is bombed out
Children are buried by the house
'The Russian World' — that's what they coyly call Hell
In the society of patched-up scumbags
And fire came from all the barrels
Rockets fall, mines explode
Like a vampire, the king of slaves latched onto
The body of unsubmissive Ukraine
'Goida!' shouted the lisping devil
'Blood!' the orcs took up the slogan
In the temple of death the 'spiritually bonded' stargazer
Banged the patriotic Komsomol girl
The world won't bend to those
Who play at elections with thieves
Non-resistance is a grave sin
Slavery or fight, decide for yourself
Nazis are born in battle
At peace, without weapons, they are mere serfs
A prophetic dream came to me at night:
Ukraine's armed forces stick a pitchfork in that dickhead's ass

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Boris Yakovlev

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