Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

bnkr44 - SPECCHIO versuri traducere în engleză



Uh, I see everything backwards
Down in a mirror I lose myself
Today I feel different
But I no longer know who I am (Yeah)
I walk on my hands, we wrote a dream
I changed my plans, I reversed the turn of the world
The days pass by faster
And I no longer wake up with pain
Bronze medals hanging in the room
Of a lonely boy who will never learn to open up
And I used to draw randomly, but I didn't speak at the table
I don't know how to tell you
I don't know how to tell you that
Uh, I see everything backwards
Down in a mirror I lose myself
Today I feel different
But I no longer know who I am
Uh, I see everything backwards
Down in a mirror I lose myself
Today I feel different
But I no longer know who I am
You know, I haven't felt like myself for a while
But I have a different evil twin
Locked in the mirror I destroyed
To never listen to him again and
There's no beginning, no end
No death, no life, no sense and vice versa
Now you have a home, and then you have lost it
When you have a home, and then you don't have a home
A beautiful story, a tough road, ah, ah, ah
When you have your heart in your throat and life in your hands, bu-uh-ut
I don't know how to tell you
I don't know how to tell you that
Uh, I see everything backwards
Down in a mirror I lose myself
Today I feel different
But I no longer know who I am
Uh, I see everything backwards
Down in a mirror I lose myself
Today I feel different
But I no longer know who I am
You want everything, then you let it fall
Thinking is so stupid, don't let yourself be seen
We're opposite poles, like sand and snow
And dreams crushed by reality
Uh, I see everything backwards
Down in a mirror I lose myself
Today I feel different
But I no longer know who I am

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: bnkr44

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