Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Birgit Brüel - Al Min Lykke versuri traducere în engleză


All Of My Happiness

All of my happiness lives in your hands
There is nowhere else it can stay
It would die and burn down to ashes
If someone else were given its light to carry
Some women have a happiness of their own
They pledge it and free again
The wealth of the heart back every time they hear
The sound of happiness from their own laughter
Others are like me and can be afflicted
By a pain only we know
Who has all our prospect of happiness
Locked up in someone else's hands
My love, hold on to my happiness
Fear has colored it and darkness burn
For the moment you will drop
All my happiness from your hands
My love, hold on to my happiness
Fear has colored it and darkness burn
For the moment you will drop
All my happiness from your hands

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Birgit Brüel

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