Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Binomio de Oro - Muere una flor versuri traducere în engleză


A flower dies

And she is like a song
A song that the wind whistles incompletely
She died in the slopes of an ordinary hill
The poet left and even the poem died
She leaves a bud, a bud with all of her hidden enchantment
It went boasting of bravery with her oblivion
Today that the bud of oblivion returns it's now a flower
Your love anxieties hurt me
They hurt me as if they were mine
And it hurts feeling you my girl
Full of love with your empty hands
Your love anxieties hurt me
They hurt me as if they were mine
And it hurts feeling you my girl
Full of love with your empty hands
A candle lit by love
Of illusions that are lost in flight
That burns all of their emotions and longings
And burning dispels its light of passion
The flower opens its petals
It shook her in the morning, kissed the dew
But that kiss inundated her chest with cold
And so the star of her sky was extinguished
Your love anxieties hurt me
They hurt me as if they were mine
And it hurts feeling you my girl
Full of love with your empty hands
Your love anxieties hurt me
They hurt me as if they were mine
And it hurts feeling you my girl
Full of love with your empty hands

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Binomio de Oro

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